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MTR01 Digital Multimeter - Handy and rugged!
This is the best small multimeter we've ever seen. Inexpensive and durable. Keep one of these onboard!

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Are you getting juice? Is the alternator charging? It that fuse OK?
You get the idea. If you don't keep a digital multimeter onboard you really should consider doing so. This excellent little unit stores easily and provides the diagnostic information you need to know on a very readable LCD screen.

Along with AC & DC voltage and DC Current (up to 10 Amps), this unit includes an audible sound to indicate wire continuity.

Additional test features:
  • Diode
  • Resistance
  • Transistor hFE test
  • Overrange Indication
  • Display: 3.5 digits, 7 Segment, 15mm high LCD
  • Data Hold: Freezes the last reading
  • Polarity Indication: “-” displayed for negative polarity
  • ”V ohms mA” jack: plug in red test lead when testing voltage
  • DC current draw, measures up to 10 Amps
Product Manual (PDF)- Click here
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You're going to love the quiet motoring!
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12 Volt (Size)24 (Capacity)80 Amp Hr

Charges deeper, faster and without maintenance!
Will not spill or leak!
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Keep your engine safe from thieves!
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