Sailor's Solutions LLC      
product<br>image Item Bal01, 60-100-SR-IG alternator, ARS-5-H regulator, MC-TS-A Alternator Temp Sensor, MC-TS-B Battery Temp Sensor.
Everything you need to upgrade your Yanmar,Perkins or other saddle mount dual foot alternators to the most efficient charging system for AGM or flooded cell batteries

Charge faster Charge better!

product<br>image Item BalDC01, Digital Duo Charger charges starting battery from house bank. by Balmar.
Acts like a combiner with a regulated charge.

SCAD TM2 Tank Monitor for Two Tanks (sensors sold separately)
Monitor two tanks with the touch of a button.
Signal Mate 2NM LED Tri-Color plus Anchor, Wind Indicator Illumination and Daylight Sensor (bracket included)
Compact and rugged Designed for many years of operation. Daylight sensor turns Anchor light on/off Made in USA!
60-100-SR-IG alternator, ARS-5-H regulator, MC-TS-A Alternator Temp Sensor, MC-TS-B Battery Temp Sensor
Everything you need to upgrade your Yanmar,Perkins or other saddle mount dual foot alternators to the most efficient charging system for AGM or flooded cell batteries

Charge faster Charge better!
Ultra Tef-Gel - Anti-Seize Lubricant for fastening stainless screws to aluminum
Non-lanolin 100% synthetic formula US Navy spec.
Winch Handle Holder

SCAD LVA Low Voltage Monitor with Alert & Relay
It's programmable! Don't let your batteries go low without warning Shuts off or turns on electrical devices automatically
Laser Rescue Flare
Hand-held day and nighttime laser signaling device.
Perfect Pole Telescopic Handle for Hooknife Rated #1 by Powerboat Reports!
This is the best pole/handle for our line slicing Hooknife. Extends your Hooknife's reach by 6'

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